Welcome to my Security website. First let me summarize my other interests and sites. My main interest of Oracle, security and Oracle Security are the mainstays of my research and websites. To Summarise my interests are Database's in general, Oracle Security in particular, database security. One of my other interests is web development, which I have come into mainly due to building and maintaining my Oracle Security website. My off-topic website is also available as is my programming, scripting, computer books and Open source site.
On this site I plan to talk about any interesting information and issues relating to security in general that do not fall into the realm of Database Security. I read quite a lot about security issues, papers, techniques and tools in general anyway and I thought it would be useful to document some of the information I find. In my mind any security information I find is always useful even if it does not relate directly to my main interest of Database Security and Oracle Security in particular.
As with my other sites there is also a plan to add a blog. In fact the blog will be the mainstay of this site along with links to papers, tools and anything else that is useful.
NEW I have added a Security Forum to my site to allow the discussion of anything to do with Security.